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Merry Christmas From Ivy-Lou- please feed your pets safely over the holidays!

Ivy-Lou wants to wish you all a Merry Christmas! She loves you and wishes she could say that to you personally. She says enjoy the holiday with your furry friends.  Listen to the podcast from the veterinarian who  discusses some of the holiday foods which are not so good for your pet.
Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661

Image Copyright belongs to Alana Hope Josephson 2023-2025

Merry Christmas From Ivy-Lou!

Ivy-Lou wanted to wish her DTNT followers a Merry Christmas and happy holidays! She also wants me to thank every one of you for your support! Ivy plans to keep everyone updated on her life within the next year and beyond. For all her super fans: her book will be available for pre-order in a few months, so keep your eyes out!

Picture copyrighted by Alana Hope Josephson 2021